The house on the experience of Jesus
Everything indicates that the 33 years of his life, Jesus lived in the house 30. We do not know how, but probably like any other inhabitant of Nazareth, a village in the rural area of Galilee. The years of preaching, as he lived the itinerant missionary, traveling from one village to another. Accompanied him in many people, men and women. And it is to suppose that he and his group to stay at home with friends. When sent his disciples on mission, Jesus advised them to stay in the houses that accommodate up to leave the place "and in any town or village in which enter, seek to know who it is decent, and hostel you there until you retireis. And when you enter some house, salute it, "Mt 10.11-1. Who waived the home and family to follow him, He promises to reward the hundred and eternal life in God's house, "And Jesus, answering, said: In truth I tell you that there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother, or wife, or children or fields for me and love of the gospel, that does not receive a hundred times as much, because this time, houses and brothers and sisters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with persecutions, and the century future eternal life. "Mc 10.29-30.
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